Behind the Scenes: Local Profiles Preview

Hey everyone! It's been quiet recently, but that doesn't mean progress isn't being made. I've been hard at work on the latest big feature for FreeTube, local profiles! It has been highly requested recently to have some way to organize your subscriptions in some sort of “folder” or “category”. My solution to making this happen will be with local profiles and in this blog I will be giving you a quick look at how is works.

What is a Local Profile?

A local profile is mostly what it sounds like. It is a “profile” that you create that only has a group of subscriptions. This way you can switch between your profiles to only work with a group of subscriptions that you choose. Each profile can be named whatever you would like and a default profile can be selected to automatically be used on startup. You can even associate a color with the profile to better organize your profile.

The home screen doesn't look that much different, but you'll likely notice the icon in the top right. This is your currently used profile.

When clicked on, you can see your other profiles.

Clicking on a different profile changes your subscription list and the videos shown in your subscription view.

You will be able to manage each profile individually, or create a new one. There is no limit to how many profiles you can create.

Editing a profile will show all of the subscriptions associated with that profile. Here you can move subscriptions between profiles, copy them to another profile, or delete them entirely. It's handy for mass deleting as well.

You can also customize the attributes of the profile itself. The profile can be renamed or a new color can be associated with it. You can choose between one of the existing color options or you can enter your own if you know the HEX code for it.

Some of you may be wondering as well, even though these are “profiles”, there is no authentication with these and are still stored locally on your machine. Your profiles are not uploaded or sent any where.


A lot of what you've just seen is already working, but there's still a lot more to do and I want to make sure I can get this feature as stable as possible before an official release. I'm excited to get this out for everyone so I hope everyone is looking forward to this. Everything that was shown here is subject to change so if you have any feedback on the current progress then let me know what you think. I'm working on getting this done as fast as I can so hopefully you can try it out soon. Be on the lookout for the next release.

Take care!